Airports and Beyond

Amboseli National Park

Amboseli in Maasai means “place of water” this national park lies on the shadows of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa’s tallest mountain yet covered by snow. It is 4 hours dive from Nairobi. Here we have among others large herds of elephants, zebra, giraffe, impala and leopards.

Ever present is the remarkable view of Kilimanjaro, under which the park boasts one of Kenya’s best displays of Wildlife. Hemingway wrote of it as the essence of Africa. Elephants rummage in the lower forests, Leopards prowl the salt flats, Antelope graze. All against the backdrop of Kilimanjaro majestic peak. The classic image of Africa.


  • Large herds of elephants-the pachyderms of Amboseli are the longest studied elephants in the wild since the early 1971
  • Mt Kilimanjaro
  • Big five
  • Observation hill for an aerial view of the park with its swamps, dust plains and Mt. Kilimanjaro
  • Maasai culture
  • Swamps below observation hill frequented by elephants, buffaloes, hippos, and water fowls like pelicans and Egyptian geese.
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